More Perl Operators

There are many more operators in Perl besides the more basic ones.

Perl Operators
Exponentation Exponentational provides away to multiply a number to itself repeatedly
Remainder Retrieves the remainder resulting from division of one integer by another
Unary Negation Is a character in front of a single value, it is equivalent to multiplying the value by -1
Integer Comparison There are many comparison operators - see Perl Cheat Sheet, becareful when comparing floating-point numbers as rounding up may make numbers different
String Comparison There are many comparison operators - see Perl Cheat Sheet

Can used to to check for multiply conditions like a if-else statement, Short-circuit evaluation means that in some circumstances if a part of the evaulation forces the outcome of the statement to be true or false regardless if the other part outcome

   if ( $age == 5 || $age == 10 )   ## the second condition will not be checked of $age equals 5, the outcome will be true anyway

Bit-Manipulation You can manipulate the binary digits (or bits) of an integer there are many bit-manipulation operators - see Perl Cheat Sheet
Assignment Associates or assigns a value to a variable, you can use the operator more than once in a single statement
Autoincrement and autodecrement The autoincrement and autodecrement is a third way to increment/decrement variables by 1, you can also increment/decrement strings.
String concatenation There are a number of operators that can effect strings - see Perl cheat sheet
Repetition Make multiple copies of a string and joins the copies together.
Comma Guarantees that a particular part of an expression is evaluated first
Conditional This is know as a tenary operator in other languages and is based on a if-else statement
Perl Operators Examples

$x = 2 ** 4;          # take four copies of two and multiply them (2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 16)
$y = 3 ** 5;          # 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 243;

$ x = 2 ** -5;        # this is the fraction 1/32


$x = 25 % 4;          # 25 divided by 4 yields 6 with a remainder of 1, so $x = 1
$x = 24 % 7;          # 24 divided by 7 yields 3 with a remainder 0f 3, so $x = 3

Unary Negation $x = - 5;             # $x = -5;
$x = - $y ;           # $x = $y * -1;
Integer Comparison

if ( $a == $b )  { .... }
if ( $a < $b )   { .... }
if ( $a > $b )   { .... }
if ( $a <= $b )  { .... }
if ( $a >= $b )  { .... }
if ( $a != $b )  { .... }
if ( $a <=> $b ) { .... }

String Comparison if ( $stringA eq $stringB )    { .... }
if ( $stringA lt $stringB )    { .... }
if ( $stringA gt $stringB )    { .... }
if ( $stringA le $stringB )    { .... }
if ( $stringA ge $stringB )    { .... }
if ( $stringA ne $stringB )    { .... }
if ( $stringA <cmp> $stringB ) { .... }

if ( $age > 5 && $age < 17 ) { .... }
if ( $age > 5 && $age < 17 || $person eq "teacher") { .... }

if ( ! $x ) { .... }     # true if $x is not zero and false if $x is 0;


$x = 124 & 99;         # 01111100 (124) & 01100011 (99) = 01100000 (96)
$x = 124 | 99;
$x = 124 ^ 99;
$x = ~99;

$result = $x >> 1;     # shift bits to the right 01100011 (99) becomes 00110001 (49)
$result = $x << 1;     # shift bits to the left 01100011 (99) becomes 11000110 (198)

Assignment $a = 5;                # assign the value 5 to the variable $a
$a += 5;               # really means $a = $a + 5
$a *= 10;              # really means $a = $a * 5
$a ^= 95;              # really means $a = $a ^ 5
Autoincrement and autodecrement $a++                   # post-increment
++$a                   # pre-increment

$a--                   # post-decrement
--$a                   # pre-decrement
String concatenation

$you_are_a = $potatoe . $head;    # this concatenation variables $potatoe, $head into one string value

$a = "Magic"
$a .= "Roundabout"                # produces "Magic Roundabout"

Repetition $strong_mint = "X" x 3;           # procedues the string "XXX"
Comma $var1 += 1, $var2 = $var1;        # the list of statements will be processed from left to right

$result = $var == 0 ? 14 : 7;     # if $var equals 0 then $result = 14, if $var is not equal to 0 then                                   # $result = 7


Operators are governed by a set of rules, these are called the 'rules of precedence', the precedence will determine the process statement order , highest being first, You can force the order of precedence by using brackets

Force Precedence $result = 4 * ( 5 + 3 );          # Normally the mulitplication would be processed first,
                                  # but by using brackets we force the addition to be
                                  # processed first

See Perl Cheat Sheet for a complete list of precedence.